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Thanks so much for stopping by! Your support means the world to me. My journey with clean started years ago when I suffered from a late pregnancy loss. The doctors told me it was the equivalent of getting struck by lightening. Something no one ever wants to hear. Fast forward a few months and the same day I got a positive pregnancy test, I was diagnosed with Grave's Disease. An autoimmune disorder that affects your thyroid. A few weeks later I went on to lose that baby. I needed to make a change so I started going down the google trap. I think we've all been there a few times. 

What I found was appalling. That beauty products are not regulated and that any company can write whatever they want on their products to get you to buy it. I learned that most products contain endocrine disrupting chemicals...shoutout to pregnancy loss and infertility. I went crazy after that. I switched everything out. Since then I have been able to give birth to a beautiful little girl and have been able to get my thyroid disease under control. 

So now I am here to educate and spread my knowledge on clean products and everything in between.

xoxo jaclyn

Everyday with Jaclyn is a clean beauty, lifestyle, and wellness blog dedicated to modern women.


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